Sigma Ukraine opens a new office in the very heart of Kyiv. The official opening took place on June 6th, though the business was already running for few months in a row. The company`s top management visited Kyiv to participate in traditional festivities and greet the Kyiv team, which works closely with Kharkiv and Odesa offices on company`s major projects.
A new Sigma Ukraine office is located in the very city center, in Podil district, on Illinska Street, 8. The new office space includes isolated cabinets, coffee point, two meeting rooms and resting corner.
“We`ve been working in Kyiv for years within the frameworks of EBA IT Committee activities, cooperation with educational institutions, joint work with government bodies representatives. We always aim to create the best possible conditions for development of IT life of Ukraine and Kyiv as its heart. Kyiv is an amazing city and we`re excited to have the opportunity of opening an office here,”
says Valery Krasovsky, Sigma Ukraine`s COO.
“Kyiv opens a lot of doors and gives many opportunities. It is a capital of the country, the largest city and one of the main Ukrainian IT hubs. It is famous for its rich educational traditions as well. We beleive that we will meet a lot of talented people here, who will come and stay with us for a long time,”
adds Vladimir Beck, Sigma Ukraine`s CEO.
“It` is an important milestone in company`s history and I would like to send my congratulations to all employees, as this height was taken by all of us. Together we are one team and we can do great things.”
Sigma is a long-term business partner wherever information technology makes a difference. We are a global player with a Nordic base. We deliver the smartest solutions to support our customers’ business aims. Sigma is owned by Danir AB and has about 1700 employees in eleven countries. Sigma operates in Ukraine since 2006 and the local team currently consists of 450 IT professionals.
For more information please contact:
• Press center, e-mail: info@sigmaukraine.com.