5 contracts with the EC Capital – capital investment company and 1 contract with the Konal window manufacturer.Total value of the contracts exceeds 6,78 mln PLN.
New projects are not the first delegated by EC Capital to the SMT Software. In April 2011, EC Capital signed two agreements with SMT Software, for conducting of IT projects with a total value of 2,66 mln pln. These projects are close to finalize and the EC Capital Chairman of the Board, decided to delegate execution of large IT applications to the Wroclaw based IT company again.
5 contracts are in practice subsequent phases of realization of two large projects, conducted under the European Union grant, (Regional Operational Programme Warmia and Mazury for the years 2007 – 2013) regarding the development of the shopping platforms dedicated to the construction and clothing industries. Total value of these agreements comes to 5,51 mln PLN, and its completion is predicted on the 31th December of 2013.
„We were not afraid of delegating, more IT projects to the SMT Software – said Zbigniew Twardowski, chairman of the EC Capital. The fact of launching MSB e-platform for the construction industry, 11 months before the planned date, convinced us, that we are dealing with the professionals”.
MSB web shopping platform, located at www.msb.net.pl, is the first open for general use, group shopping platform dedicated to b2b customers and designed for the construction industry. Website is an innovative solution, enabling micro, small and medium enterprises to compete with the large retail chains, through the buying stock for lower prices. Thanks to the consolidation of the orders from over 2000 companies from the whole country, small and medium enterprises are able to obtain prices at the level of the largest retail chains and become real competitors for them. At the same time, wholesalers and distributors, cooperating with the platform, gain sales channel generating high revenue and large value of particular orders. Website also provides additional services such as free enterprise software, loyalty program and ability to sell goods on the commodity exchange.
Thanks to the good cooperation with EC Capital, SMT Software also acquired the contract for designing the „e-Biuro” integrated system for the Konal window manufacturer, that is one of the members of the EC Capital group. „E-Biuro” system will provide ability to manage all areas of company’s activities: sales department (through the consolidation of the orders from the unlimited dealer points), manufacturing department, payroll department, financial department, controlling, management and administration departments. Total value of the project is 1 268 500 pln net, and its completion is predicted on the 31th December of 2012.
„Newly acquired contracts are the proof that good credentials will always be the best form of promotion” – said Szymon Pura, board member of the SMT Software, responsible for the relations with EC Capital – Every time when our clients are delegating new commissions to us or recommend us to their familiars, I’m ensuring with satisfaction, that we have right people on the right places, working for us. This is the confirmation of the well-executed job and the success of all of us.”
Projects with the EC Capital group are the consecutive long-term agreements in the SMT Software portfolio. In the December 2011 company informed about 5 year agreement with the Cyprian enterprise, with the total revenue oscillating at the level of 9 mln PLN. SMT Software has also acquired many foreign clients. Among which are the French branch of Generali Group and the leader of the Tunisian hotel booking market – Atlantis Voyages, which both implemented the iAlbatros hotel booking system from the SMT Software subsidiary company. Furthermore SMT Software has implemented the GPS tracking system SATIS in the german Lübecker Geldzentrale GmbH, company providing cash transportation services from and to the shopping centers. Satis system also gains recognition on the French market, when it was bought by the Trace & Origin, enterprise providing services of the car rental management for the car rental companies and fleet services companies.