SMT Software made 87% growth rate of profits and plans further intensive development, while not ruling out to launch new brands and expecting two-digit growth rate in the results for 2012.
SMT Software has finished financial year 2011 with the value of revenues from sales at the level of 33,94 mln PLN, which amounts to 87% growth on the revenues made in the year 2010 (18,16 mln PLN). Growth rate of revenues from sales at the level of 87%, significantly exceeded dynamics from the years 2010/2009 (78%). Over the year 2011, company has also made 53% growth rate of net revenues, which amounts to 4,10 mln PLN comparing to 2,67 mln PLN made in the last year.
SMT Software: selected financial results for 2011
Among the most important contracts acquired in 2011 there is 5-year agreement with the international consulting company, with total value estimated at 9 mln PLN. Significant for SMT Software was also signature of two agreements with EC Capital for realization of IT projects with total value of 2,66 mln PLN as well as agreement with the Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the IT project of total value 1,3 mln PLN.
In the year 2011 as much as 40% of SMT Software revenues came from the financial, consulting and insurance sectors. These revenues result from realization of IT projects for the companies like: Deloitte, BRE Leasing, EC Capital, Grupa SKOK as well as several global banks. 2011 was a very good year for the financial sector in terms of IT infrastructure development. In previous years due to financial crisis, budgets for these kind of investments were frozen and they were unblocked in the year 2011, which was thereupon very fruitful regarding the number of orders for the IT companies delegated from the financial sector.
SMT Software: Net revenues by sectors in 2011
IT sector, generating 38% of last year revenues for which company provides mainly IT project outsourcing and body leasing services, is equally important area of activity for SMT Software. 8% of SMT Software revenues in the year 2011 came from the projects for media and marketing sectors. Company cooperates with the interactive agencies, designing mobile and web applications for their clients or delegating the IT specialists teams for the realization of certain projects. Among clients from transport and construction sectors there are mainly companies using SATIS GPS monitoring system. Furthermore in the year 2011 company SMT Software derived profits from provision of dedicated applications and GIS systems for public, industrial and energy sectors.
In the year 2011, SMT Software has also made investments, by establishing the “iAlbatros SAS” company with the headquarters in Paris, which objective is to amplify iAlbatros company image on the French market and establish cooperation with the partners from Business Travel sector. SMT Software has also established another subsidiary company MobiCare S.A. providing telemonitoring and telecare services for the seniors, board expects to see the effects of its activities in the year 2012.
„In 2012 we plan to continue our strategy of providing IT services based on software products. We don’t rule out launching new product brands before the end of the year.” – said Sebastian Łękawa, SMT Software S.A. chairman of the board – „We expect to make two-digit growth rate both revenues and net profit, putting impact on increasing profitability of conducted projects”
SMT Software is currently among 4 largest providers of IT outsourcing services in terms of volume of outsourced specialists. Company plans to continue strategy of development this business line with intention to become the leader of IT outsourcing in Poland in next 3 years, as well as important provider of IT services for the eastern European market. In order to create comprehensive offer, SMT Software plans to complete range of provided IT outsourcing services with recruitment services. Operating as a an employment agency SMT Software will be supporting clients with experience in recruitment processes. As a software producer and provider of IT outsourcing services, SMT Software has resources and know-how, necessary for professional verification of candidates’ competence and skills. Recruitment services are natural complementation of IT outsourcing services provided so far.
Company plans to increase in the year 2012, contribution of revenues gained from realization of IT projects for public institutions, intensifying activities with object of participation in tenders for IT projects in public sector.
SMT Software plans to continue the strategy of being the leader of the GPS solutions market in terms of quality and innovativeness of provided product – localization and GPS monitoring system SATIS. Company plans to expand offer with additional telemetric services in 2012. Among most important new services there are: launch of transport costs optimization module for maximization of usage of loading space for delivery companies, launch of module for individual customers dedicated for motorcycle drivers, for protection the motorcycle against theft and implementation of non-invasive GPS monitoring for car dealers, car leasing companies and car service shops, aiming at monitoring temporarily leased or tested cars.
SMT Software board doesn’t rule out even in 2012 consolidation of financial result of subsidiary company iAlbatros S.A., which plans to focus on reaching the largest corporate clients and cooperate with travel agencies serving business clients. MobiCare S.A. company which is now starting its activities, plans to develop sales network through the cooperation with the companies or NZOZ’s interested in expanding their own offer with mobile care and telecare services provided by Mobicare.
SMT Software S.A. has started year 2012 very well, enriching high-margin contract portfolio with another 5 agreements with EC Capital for total value of 5,51 mln PLN as well as agreement with the Fabryka Okien KONAL for 1,26 mln PLN. Furthermore subsidiary company iAlbatros acquired long-term contract with the French company INRA, with the estimated yearly value of 2 mln Euro.