Uniway has upgraded its Microsoft Competency! From now Uniway will be serving you as a Gold Cloud Productivity Partner to guide you in implementing the New Way Of Working in your organization!
This Gold upgrade means that our Office 365 experts have acquired more knowledge and experience thanks to the new productivity projects and trainings.
The Gold Cloud Producitivty Competency is a key compentency needed when developing projects linked to the New Way Of Working. It focuses on the productivity of organizations and employee collaboration in the cloud.
We can guide you in changing the way of working in your organization. With Office365 you’ll have more than just your Office apps in the cloud.
It fully contributes to the new way of working in organizations by making the employees much more productive than before. Office365 makes it possible to share documents easilly, work on them from anywhere and communicate with your colleagues wherever you are. Discover the new way of working here.