Information about businesses in Moldova to be available online

Information about businesses in Moldova to be available online

Public information on businesses registered in Moldova will be published on open data portal

Publication contains data from the State Register of Legal Entities maintained by the State Registration Chamber, and is going to be open to the public from October 1, 2014.

The information will cover the fields of commercial activity of enterprises in Moldova, contact data, date of registration, list of managers and their headquarters for all entities registered in the State Registration Chamber.

However, data will not include farms and personal data. The information will be updated at least monthly.Publishing public data held by the State Registration Chamber on government portal will be conducted in full compliance with legal requirements regarding the reuse of public sector information.

Currently, access to this public information is limited, and to obtain it, applicants must pay from 36 to 540 Moldovan leu, depending on the type and time of request. Following the opening data, information will be available online, free of charge.

The need for this intervention was identified in the Economic Council meetings of the Prime Minister, while publication of data is implemented following a recent indication signed by the Premier.

In Moldova, there are approximately 150,000 businesses.

Source: TRM Moldova

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