Moldovans can check online the judges’ incorruptibility

Moldovans can check online the judges’ incorruptibility

To improve transparency and accountability in the judiciary, the Public Association ‘Lawyers for Human Rights’ recently launched a new web portal – the first of its kind in Moldova –

The public can now access pertinent information to assess the level of integrity and professional experience of more than 500 Moldovan judges within courts of all levels.

Immediately after the portal’s official launch on 15 October 2014, it received widespread attention from media outlets, social networks, NGOs, public authorities, and judges themselves. The non-governmental organisation, “Without Myths,” publicized information about the database through its networks and social media. The judges’ reactions were immediate and not always positive; some emailed and called with several comments and requests to update or change information on their profiles.

This online database includes the relevant court (District Courts, Courts of Appeal, the Supreme Court of Justice) and the circumscription (the territorial jurisdiction – the city and sector) of each judge. The public can search the database to find the following information:

  • Biography and CV;
  • The judge’s mandate, date elected to the position, promotions;
  • Any disciplinary actions taken against the judge;
  • Any specific mentions or distinctions;
  • Complaints submitted to the Superior Council of Magistrates against the judge;
  • Cases lost at the European Court of Human Rights, for which the judge is responsible;
  • Asset and income declarations;
  • Any continuing education undertaken by the judge;
  • Other relevant information about the judge, including that found in media outlets, etc.

The website combines all available information about Moldovan judges in an easily accessible and comprehensive platform for public use. It serves to hold members of the judiciary accountable and encourage greater observance of the rule of law.

In the future,, will be more interactive and allow users and visitors to add comments and information to the judges’ profiles.


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