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Poland to integrate ID cards in smartphones in 2017

Poland plans to implement ID cards in smartphones in 2017. The application will be available as part of the mobile version of the government portal for citizens, obywatel.gov.pl, which gradually integrates all procedures of e-administration in Poland. As the minister of digitalisation Anna Strezynska told the Polish press agency PAP, there are 19 million smartphones [...]

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Security Testing: What to Know?

It is well-known that there are some software testing types that should be obligatory performed during the procedure of product development. They are security testing, usability testing, load testing, performance testing and some others. Every checking type has a range of specifics that a tester should be aware with. It is very important for the [...]

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SiliconIndia Names GlobalLogic “Best Company to Work For”

  What are the possible effective ways to retain the best? – is perhaps the biggest question that haunts every company, and the competitive business world makes the question trickier. However, that’s a query best answered by a talent magnet. “To deliver an effective talent retention strategy, individuals need to be productive, organization should have [...]

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ICL Services Entered into a Partnership with Cegid

ICL Services entered into a partnership agreement on cooperation with Cegid, one of the world’s leading suppliers of software and cloud-based solutions for specialty retail. As part of this partnership, ICL Services will promote Yourcegid Retail Y2 solution into the Russian market and provide support and services to new and existing customers. Yourcegid Retail Y2 [...]

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62% of Organizations Expect to Implement Machine Learning to Big Data by 2018

SoftServe research reveals medium to large organizations expect to implement machine learning within the next two years. SoftServe, a leading global technology solution provider, today revealed findings from its Big Data Snapshot indicating that 62% of medium to large organizations expect to implement machine learning for Business Analytics purposes within the next two years. The [...]

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Budapest Transport Centre to Run Huf 550m Ad Campaign for E-tickets

The Budapest Transport Centre (BKK) will run a 550 million forint (EUR 1.7m) ad campaign over two and a half years to promote the electronic ticketing system it plans to introduce, daily Magyar Idok reported. BKK has invited bids for the ad campaign by July 29. It has announced another call for bids for independent [...]

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Practical Steps to Manage Risk and Security in the Internet of Things

As digital business continues to expand in more organizations, the use of IoT devices expands with it. The introduction of IoT gives rise to practical issues regarding risk management and digital security as well. This webinar explores what has changed with traditional security in IT, physical and operational technology (OT) environments as a result of [...]

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Poland Saas Meetup 2016

A meetup where you’re the most important person! SaaS Meetup is a one day conference where we connect B2B SaaS companies, great mentors and investors. Come and join us for something different. SaaS Meetup is: 100 B2B Software Companies; 30 mentors; 20 Discussion Groups; 3 Keynotes. Let’s talk about your SaaS! Register

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IDC DAY MINSK 2016: Infrastructure Efficiency, Cloud, Virtualization & IT Security Roadshow is the part of the international roadshow, which covers 23 cities across Central and Eastern Europe including Sofia, Bucharest, Bratislava, Zagreb, Budapest, Baku, Almaty, Tbilisi, Warsaw, and others. IDC Roadshow is an excellent occasion to meet analysts, independent experts, and industry leaders to [...]

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More People Turning to Social Media for News: Study

Around half of the people in 26 countries surveyed by Reuters, including Australia, say they use social media as a source of news each week, with one in 10 saying it was their main source. Among those who used social media for news, Facebook was by far the most important. These statistics come from a [...]

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