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Use a Bimodal Digital Workplace Strategy to Move Both Fast and Slow

IT departments need to move quickly to provide an effective digital workplace, but also ensure the fundamentals are rock solid. A bimodal strategy will help you move fast when you can, but also slow when you need to. Discussion Topics: Why standard approaches to developing strategy won’t work for digital workplace efforts. How to apply [...]

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Machine Learning Prague 2016

Welcome to Machine Learning Prague! This is not another academic conference. Our goal is to foster discussion between machine learning practitioners and all people who are interested in applications of modern trends in artificial intelligence. You can look forward to inspiring people, algorithms, data, applications, workshops and a lot of fun during both days as [...]

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MobCon Europe 2016

MobCon Europe brings together attendees from across the globe to network, learn, and get inspired by mobile technologies. Main topics of MobCon Europe 2016 include: iOS Development; Android Development; Windows Phone Development; Hybrid Development; Mobile Web Development; Wearables; IoT; VR; Marketing & Monetization; Mobile Testing; UI/UX Design; Mobile Data Security; Architecture & Infrastructure. If your [...]

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Facebook joins WhatsApp in dropping BlackBerry support

BlackBerry-loving device clutchers are facing a tricky choice if they wish to continue to interact with their friends: WhatsApp, Facebook and Facebook Messenger all hit the “unfriend” button on the struggling phone maker’s latest operating system, BlackBerry 10. Facebook-owned WhatsApp made a hesitant and half-hearted debut on the BlackBerry platform three years ago, and announced [...]

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Novatel and Daticum, part of Sirma Group, announced a strategic partnership

Bulgarian data centre Daticum and Novatel (part of Deutsche Telekom Group) opened a new point-of-presence (PoP), provided by the data centre infrastructure. Owing the presence of one of the world’s largest telecoms, the current and prospect customers of Daticum can benefit from guaranteed direct Internet service of Novatel/Deutsche Telekom. The customers will also use secure [...]

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How to Create a Successful Software Product?

Some specialists are sure that a successful product is the one of a very high quality. It concerns no just the quality of product functionality, design, security, etc.; every step of software development life cycle should be effective and efficient. SDLC is the process of creating a new system or modifying the old one. Its procedure [...]

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Sigma Software supports IT education for children

Sigma Software has recently supported several initiatives, aimed at promotion of IT education among kids. Starting from November 2015, we have supported three different projects in Odesa and Kharkiv and are planning to expand the cooperation. This year our company became a partner of CodeClub — a British IT education initiative. CodeClub (link is external) [...]

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Which IT services suppliers are European businesses most satisfied with?

TCS has won top spot for European customer satisfaction for the third year running, according to Whitelane Research. Indian IT services supplier Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is judged to have provided the best customer satisfaction levels to European customers, according to the latest European outsourcing survey by Whitelane Research. TCS had a satisfaction score of [...]

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Slovakian electronic marketplace successful, but low impact

Ministry boasts of increased transparency as NGOS cite flaws. The electronic marketplace seems one of the biggest achievements of the Interior Ministry’s push to fight corruption. During the first year of its operation, the system helped save €54 million on sub-limit orders, the ministry claims. Though experts praise the system, they say it is not [...]

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The Specific Features of Compatibility Testing

There is a boom of mobile technologies, and it seems that there will not be the end of their development. The majority of people launch web software products using mobile devices. That is why almost all products and applications have a mobile version. The development of devices and systems causes the modifications in software testing [...]

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