There is a boom of mobile technologies, and it seems that there will not be the end of their development. The majority of people launch web software products using mobile devices. That is why almost all products and applications have a mobile version.
The development of devices and systems causes the modifications in software testing field. It becomes more complex and difficult; new principles are applied and new methodologies are expounded.
Nowadays, one may say that compatibility testing of mobile products is more complicated than desktop testing. This statement may be true, as there is a large number of mobile devices which have their own characteristics and specific features.
These factors should be taken into account during both development and testing processes. The system or application should be universal, or at least it should be suitable for the most popular OS versions, web browsers, etc. Compatibility testing helps to check these points.
This checking type is rather monotonous and exhausting as the same tests should be run at different desktop and mobile configurations. Often automated testing helps to save time and efforts.
In most cases, the checking of the option ‘Print the Page’ is missed during web software testing. The specialists should test this function too using various browsers and OS.