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ASEBA JiMBa selected for the platform of UniCredit Mobile Banking service in CEE region

Asseco’s Mobile Banking solution ASEBA JiMBa selected for the platform of UniCredit Mobile Banking service in CEE region.

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Asseco SEE Gold Sponsor of “Wincor World 2011” Conference

Asseco SEE (Serbia), Wincor Nixdorf’s long term partner for South Eastern Europe is Gold Sponsor of “Wincor World 2011” Conference, to be held from 25th – 27th of January at Paderborn, Germany.

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Mr. Predrag Vranes, GM at S&T Serbia

Balkans.com: Please tell our readers about S&T Serbia company and what areas in the Balkans that you do business in?

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Asseco SEE in Serbia organized “Socializing with Celebrities” Event at Neglected Children’s Home

As a company that incorporates goals of socially responsible business deeply into its business philosophy, Asseco SEE seeks to actively participate in humanitarian activities in order to provide aid to the most unprotected population.

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EDUSOFT signed a contract with the Ministry of labor and social policy of Macedonia

EDUSOFT, in a consortium with NEOCOM and INTERVEJ, signed a contract with the Ministry of labor and social policy of R. Macedonia for the development and implementation of a software for Cash Benefits Management Information system (CBMIS) for the Ministry of labor and social policy (MLSP) and the Social welfare centers (SWC) of the Republic of Macedonia.

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Asseco SEE in Serbia has attained the MS Gold Independent Software Vendor competency

Company are delighted to announce that Asseco SEE in Serbia has reached Microsoft Gold Independent Software Vendor (ISV) competency within new MS Partner Network (MPN).

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Kosovo IT Market Shows Annual Decline in 2009 after Strong 2008, Says IDC

The IT market in Kosovo contracted 12.4% year on year in U.S. dollar terms to $86.84 million in 2009 after two years of strong growth.

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Asseco SEE in Serbia as Platinum Sponsor at One of the Largest Regional IT Conferences

Microsoft’s “Sinergija 2010”, one of the biggest IT conferences in the region, was held from 15-18th November in Sava Center and Hyatt Regency Hall in Belgrade.

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Crisis-Hit Adriatic IT Services Market to Revive in 2011, IDC Predicts

The IT services market in the Adriatics region (including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia) declined 8.8% year on year to $968.03 million in 2009 and a further decline is expected in 2010 due to the severe impact of the financial crisis and global recession on IT services spending in the region.

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EDUSOFT, in a consortium with NEOCOM, signed a contract with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Kosovo (MEST) for the development and implementation of a software for Education Management Information System (EMIS).

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