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Comarch and Nokia Bring Art Closer with NFC Technology

Comarch, a global vendor of products and services for telecommunications, announced that it will add the design and creation of solutions based on the NFC (Near Field Communications) technology to its portfolio. An example of Comarch’s recent involvement in this area is a project called „Nokia brings art closer”, realized in the National Museum in [...]

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Infopulse Becomes the First Ukrainian Company with the CBCI Status

An Infopulse employee became the first professional in Ukraine to pass the Business Continuity Management (BCM) test and obtain the international certificate of the Certified Business Continuity Implementer with merit. Business Continuity Institute (BCI) was founded in Britain in 1994 with the aim of studying the best world BCM practices and share professional experience in [...]

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KOMIX Organised a Seminar Focused on Functional Testing

From the beginning of the year, KOMIX s.r.o. has been organising seminars focused on testing and identifying the quality of software every third Wednesday of the month on a regular basis. On 21 March, there was another seminar the main topic of which was Functional Testing. The purpose of the seminar was to acquaint the [...]

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Closing Ceremony of the IPA 2008 “Development of Main Register and Central Application for Probation Service”

On March 28th, 2012, the official closing ceremony of the project “Development of main register and central application for Probation service” was held at the Hotel Westin Zagreb. The project, funded by the European Union’s IPA (The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance) 2008 programme, was implemented by CROZ in consortium with AAM Management Information Consulting and [...]

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Sofica Group Presented the Bulgarian Outsourcing Industry to European Media

Sofica Group presented to leading journalists from the European media perspectives for the Bulgarian outsourcing industry and investment opportunities in this sector in our country. Stefan Bumov, CEO of Sofica Group personally acquainted journalists with the company and the advantages it has as highly qualified specialists, infrastructure and expertise in implementing complex outsourcing projects. Sofica [...]

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TAS Group and Uni Systems Announce Their Partnership for the Banking and Finance Industry

The two leading players join their forces to better support their customers and to promote together financial markets, cards, payments and treasury systems innovation. TAS Group and Uni Systems today announce their strategic partnership with an agreement that will leverage Uni Systems solid expertise as system integrator and solutions provider, and at the same time [...]

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State-of-the-Art Product CBOSSeir to Help Telecom Operators Combat Fraud

CBOSS presents its new basic core network solution CBOSSeir Equipment Identity Register. CBOSSeir can be a reliable protection against the use of stolen mobile phones as well as restrict access of illegal devices to your network. Today’s world statistics show that most crimes committed in public places are theft of mobile phones. The victims often [...]

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SIGMA UKRAINE and Qualco Make a Successful Delivery to Ukrainian Bank PUMB

First Ukrainian International Bank (PUMB) deploys a debt collection solution from Qualco which was implemented jointly by Sigma Ukraine and Qualco. The system automates the whole process of debt recovery, including Soft, Hard and Legal stages. In spring 2011 PUMB announced a tender for debt collections automation system, and Qualco Collections was chosen as the [...]

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IT Outsourcing Services Companies In Eastern Europe

Worldwide IT Outsourcing: Looking For New Places The world IT outsourcing services market includes a number of countries and regions which due to their specific conditions are attractive for starting such a business. In fact a certain geographic division of labor can be observed in this field. Throughout the history the division of labor was [...]

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The Skolkovo Foundation Wants to Introduce Solution Providers to Start-Up Companies Based in Russia

There are a small number of fairly well-known companies that got their starts in Russia, including Parallels and Kaspersky Lab. Now The Skolkovo Foundation wants to help create even more by setting up shop in the U.S. to find business partners that will help take products that are being developed by 30 Russian start-up companies [...]

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