Gartner, Inc. is an information technology reaserch and advisory firm headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, United States and providing technology related insight. According to the analyst firm, we’ll talk about the ten things or “game changers” in IT outsourcing.
1. The economy
In recent years the economy has been so bad that outsourcing has seen major changes, including suppliers sharing some of the pain that their customers are suffering and new delivery models emerged to help customers cut costs.
2. Generation Y
People who were born between 1982 and 2000 were known as generation Y. Now they are a significant portion of the workforce businesses and need to be equipped with the right kind of technology in place.
3. Globalisation
There are more choices of where to buy IT services but there are also new risks for CIOs to consider.
4. Sustainability/Green IT
Businesses are expected to lower their carbon footprints. Less paper is being used, less fuel on the aircraft because less weight is on the aircraft and it is much easier to use.
5. Cloud Computing
A quite simple is that Huntley said that “if you have not got a cloud strategy now get one immediately.”
6. Industrialised services
Within the next five years enterprise spending on industrialised services like software as a service and infrastructure as a service will reach $122bn.
7. Asset lift
The more that businesses buy IT as a service the less the need for internal assets.
8. Consumerisation
Consumerisation of IT will not only change the technology used in offices around the world but the way businesses interact and serve customers.
9. Unpredictability and risk
With the use of more and more suppliers and new relationships businesses must dedicate resources to asses the risks associated with working with suppliers.
10. Externalisation
It will be increasingly a case of how the IT department get other companies to do things for you rather than how do you do it yourself.