Gartner has highlighted the top technologies and trends that will make up the market next year. Gartner has also emphasized that the most important trend for all enterprises is to determine their strategic technology and to follow it over the next three years.
So the most probable technological trends in 2014 will be:
Mobile Device Diversity and Management
Mobile operating systems on smart phones and tablets are invading companies and the practices of “bring your own device” (BYOD) along with “company owned, personally enabled” (COPE) are spreading throughout the IT field. This shift challenges IT professionals in the areas of police enforcement, security of confidential data on users’ devices and other mobility issues. As a result all of this is doubling or even tripling the size of the mobile workforce.
Mobile Apps and Applications
Gartner predicts that Javascript’s improved performance will begin to push HTML5 and the browser as a main application development environment. Apps will continue to grow while applications will begin to shrink. Probably, there will be an evolution of the user interface – a transition to a more complicated and advanced method of management.
The Internet of Everything
The Internet is expanding beyond PCs and mobile devices – more and more things are going to be managed through the network. The main point is the combination of four “internets” – people, things, information and places. A model that has the ability to combine these four parts could become the next big thing.
Cloud/Client Architecture
As more mobile devices are used, there is a bigger interest in the market of cloud/client architecture. In cloud/client architecture, the client is a rich application running on an Internet-connected smartphone or tablet that has a very limited processor and memory resources. Thus, there is a need for more energy-efficient algorithms.
The Era of the Personal Cloud
Over the years, users have gained a collection of mobile devices and connect them to their personal clouds, such as Dropbox, Google Drive etc. While no one device will be the primary hub. There is a movement from storage on the personal PC to storage on the personal cloud.
Software Defined Anything
Software Defined Anything (SDx) determines the ability to program any type of infrastructure. At the moment the market is ruled in four areas: SDN (network), SDDC (data center), SDS (storage) and SDI (infrastructure). In 2014 the industry will develop unique standards for the implementation of SDx and effective cooperation between different types.
Smart Machines
These are intelligent personal assistants, smart advisors, advanced global industrial systems, autonomous vehicles. This seems to be the really the next big thing as it has a huge potential for future development. Analytics from Gartner predicts that through 2020 the smart machines will become a part of everyday life.
3-D Printing
Worldwide shipments of 3D printers will grow in 2014 by 75 percent, follow by a near doubling in 2015. The consumer market for 3D printers that cost above $500 will be distributed exactly in 2014 – 2015.