Though information technology has been rapidly developing since 1990s, many people know little or nothing about software testing and career opportunities in this field.
Young talented people can rather quickly move from a junior upward to senior test engineer. One can also become a project manager or team lead upon gaining some experience and knowledge.
Numerous Instruments Used in Different Testing Types:
Only people with different technical and programming skills can work with them and perform mobile testing, desktop testing and web site testingwith their help. Those who has strong programming skills in such languages like Visual Basic, Java, C#, T-SQL, Shell, Ruby, Perl can rather quickly build a career in of a professional software tester.
Experts that can estimate automation instruments, develop automation frameworks and reusable components are also welcome in any software testing company.
It is convenient to plan and manage a testing project utilizing a test management instrument, like Quality Center, Asana, Rally and so on. Testers who know how to use them, and who have experience in working with them are highly valued in modern labor market.
So, graduates who are interested in information technology should consider the mentioned positions.