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Tech dominates career choices for boys, but girls find it boring – study

More than two-thirds of boys aged 11 to 18 want to be a developer, but girls are far less enthused. Technology-related careers dominate the top choices of 11-18 year olds, new research has found. In a study by Nominet, a quarter of 11-18 year olds said they want to be a game developer, while app [...]

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OpenStack by the numbers: Who’s using open source clouds and for what?

IT vendors and telecos are the heaviest users of the open source cloud software, bi-annual survey data shows. The latest bi-annual survey data of OpenStack users shows a continuing march of the open source cloud software into mainstream of enterprises, but also the project’s continued challenges related to ease of deployment and management. One thing [...]

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UK report finds rising digital privacy concerns

A comprehensive study of Brits’ usage of and attitudes to digital media, conducted annually by telecoms watchdog Ofcom, suggests there is growing concern among web and app users about the privacy of their personal data. The latest study, published today and based on responses gathered in 2015 — the tenth year the research has been [...]

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Airlines and public transport fertile grounds for mobile ticketing

Juniper Research forecasts that 23 billion transport and events tickets will be purchased using mobile handsets by the end of the decade, with airlines and public transport particularly lucrative. The airline industry will see a surge in mobile ticketing use over the next three-and-a-half years, as mobile becomes firmly established as the preferred platform for [...]

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VR – take it slow and steady

VR is said to be the next big thing with total estimated market value in the multi-billions of dollars. But the reality its adoption will be slow and not necessarily steady. Researchers Strategy Analytics has produced a realistic take that shows consumers will go for the low hanging fruit first – using lower cost VR [...]

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Why cloud, mobile and the education sector make a perfect match

Technology is equipping learners with the ability to work effectively and access resources on the move, but it’s not just students that can benefit. Technology is changing every industry and vocation, meaning students must be equipped with the skills to take ownership of their own learning and adapt to the current trends in the world [...]

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IoT will shake up world of data analytics, says report

A report produced for US network operator Verizon says data analytics will become a core competency as the internet of things becomes more widely adopted by businesses. A mere 8% of enterprises that have embarked on internet of things (IoT) projects have monetised more than a quarter of the data generated by these projects, suggesting [...]

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Denial Syndrome: Users don’t think they’ll get hacked

People who spend a good portion of their personal and professional lives online say they care about security and privacy. But most of them don’t act like it. Most people say they care about their online security and privacy. Poll after poll confirm what one would expect: They don’t want their identities stolen, phones hacked, [...]

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The IT skills gap is a reality, but doesn’t have to be

Many businesses face a looming skills gap in IT, but, according to research from Foote Partners, many of the wounds are self-inflicted. Foote Partners, an independent IT benchmark research and advisory firm recently released its “1Q 2016 IT Skills Demand and Pay Trends Report,” offering data and analysis of salary trends for 202 jobs and [...]

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Email is dying among mobile’s youngest users

In case there was any doubt that messaging apps were the future of communication in the mobile-first era, a new study released this morning puts some solid numbers behind their traction – and their increasing dominance over email, among today’s youngest users. According to a report from App Annie, email is effectively dying among this [...]

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