It is well-known that mobile testing, checking of desktop applications and website testing require a lot of manual work. It is rather difficult to apply the automation principles to these software testing types.
But it does not mean that software testing takes months or years, as a QA specialist has to check every single unit of the product system and every aspect of its functionality only manually. No, everything is simpler. The specialists of software testing company use various tools which help them to perform checking procedure fast and effective.
A wide range of automation tools is available now. Such tools may be used during load testing, performance checking, regression testing, etc. These tools are really useful and even sometimes obligatory for checking some software products.
But during software testing, it is very important to choose the tool that will be appropriate to this particular product under test. There are a lot of aspects that should be taken into account by software engineers before they choose the testing tools.
It has no sense to buy a tool without thorough examination of product specifications and its functionality. Besides that, the peculiarities of testing tool should be reviewed too. It is necessary to analyze the tool functions, check whether there are any free its version or analogue. The tools selected improperly will negatively affect the whole testing procedure.