What are Common Approaches to Software Back-End Testing?

What are Common Approaches to Software Back-End Testing?

Back-end and front-end are integral parts of any software product. Any web site testing, desktop testing and mobile testing must pay due attention to both of them. Back-end testing has much to do with API testing and front-end testing. It has some specificity as well.

Any software testing company can say that there are fewer methods and instruments for back-end testing than those for testing of an application front-end.

Recommended Approaches to Software Back-End Testing Are:

  • Structural testing. According to it the application back-end is divided into a certain number of parts based on its structure. Each element of the back-end structure is thoroughly checked during structural testing.
  • Functional testing. This method assumes dividing of the back-end into certain number of elements based on the program functions. The tests concentrate mostly on the inputs and outputs.
  • Testing of boundary values. Many sets of data and variables of a software product have boundary values. For instance, prices mustn’t be negative, or percentage cannot be less than 0 and bigger than 100. It is necessary to determine such values and test how the system manages them, values bigger and smaller than they are.
  • Load testing. According to this approach it is necessary to check behavior of the program databases under different loads, for instance, when certain number of users is simultaneously working with the database data, is editing and saving them and so on.

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