Why Are Emotions Important for Testing?

Why Are Emotions Important for Testing?

People cannot live without emotions. Every day a person may feel happy, sad, angry, etc. It is a part of human nature. With the help of emotions, people express their opinions, preferences, and attitudes to various things.

Feeling diverse emotions, people react to one and the same situation in a different way. Every software testing company is sure that the user’s emotions can help to effectively conduct software testing, mobile testing and desktop testing.

Emotions have a big influence on the interaction between users and applications. For instance, if a person is angry, it is rather difficult to wait for the full loading of the program (especially, if it takes much time). Angry users are not patient.

But in the case when users are in a high mood, then even small errors and mismatches can be missed and they will not become the mood killer. Thus, different emotions determine the user’s attitude to product functionality, interface, etc.

That is why it will be very resultative if a tester performs desktop testing or web application testing feeling different emotions (or they may just pretend). It  will not be difficult as testers are men and nothing human is alien to them.

What Emotions Should a Tester Pretend to Feel During Checking Procedure?

  • Sadness
  • Happiness
  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Disappointment

Such an approach will be very effective for checking mobile software products, as people use them all the time in different situations and take devices along to various places.


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