JSP is an abbreviation for Java Server Page. This language is used for creating the dynamic web pages with HTML and XML. The specialists who perform web product testingare well-acquainted with JSP.
To add the Java code to the HTML page, the special tags are used. JSP can be applied as a common HTML page but with dynamic content. That can be check-boxes, drop down lists and menus, etc. Besides that, JSP can be used for the access to the JavaBeans objects.
If to compare JSP with other available methods of web products creation, then this technology possesses the range of advantages.
JSP has all API Java available as it is configured to Java Servlets API. It has an access even to JNDI, JDBC EJB. It is an important part of the platform for corporate applications – Java EE (Java Platform, Enterprise Editions).
To effectively conduct automated testing of web products, load testing of various websites, functional testing of web apps, the specialists of software testing company should review and take into the account the peculiarities of the language of these web products.