What are Peculiarities of Using Mobile Device Emulators?

What are Peculiarities of Using Mobile Device Emulators?

Due to mobile technology evolution numerous mobile software products are available nowadays.

Some of them provide richer user experience than desktop programs due to involvement of various sensors and ways of interaction that are unavailable at personal computers.

Nowadays any software testing company often performs functional testing, usability testing, localization testingof mobile applications.

Sometimes the tests are performed on real mobile gadgets, in some cases emulators are utilized.

There are supporters and detractors of emulators. As a matter of fact, they are suitable for some testing activities and are not recommended for the others.

Mobile Device Emulators Can Be Utilized If:

  • the time limitations of the project are too tight;
  • the software must be verified on many tablets and smartphones;
  • some aspects of software must be carefully studied.

Professional Testers Don’t Use Emulators When:

  • usability testing of a mobile program is performed; the user experience is better to explore on real devices;
  • compatibility testing is carried out; the environment cannot be thoroughly reproduced on an emulator;
  • specific features of mobile technology are involved; such aspects should be tested of real mobile gadgets.

One should keep in mind that emulators are tools that can be used by test engineers or programmers.

They are very helpful if applied properly and of no value for those, who doesn’t have the need knowledge and skills.


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