What Are the Types of Mobile Software Products?

What Are the Types of Mobile Software Products?

IT sphere constantly develops, new methods and approaches appear; the end-user’s desires and wishes become more complicated and a little bit sophisticated. As a result the variety of software products of all kinds is available now.

But in the course of the IT evolution, some types of software products have become so resembling that it is rather difficult to differentiate them. This tendency influences on such software testing types as mobile testing, desktop testing and website testing.

Software testing was divided into three branches when new types of software products appeared. Nowadays, the differentiation of mobile software kinds may arise a huge confusion. For the majority of users, it does not matter how to distinguish between mobile programs, websites and web applications. But it is necessary and obligatory for the specialists of software testing company.

How to Differentiate Mobile Software Products?

  • Mobile programs are launched on mobile devices without network connection. Their development is based on mobile technologies.
  • Mobile websites are based on web technologies. Their goal is to present particular information to the users. Mobile websites are static.
  • Mobile web applications are based on web technologies too. Unlike mobile websites, applications enable users to perform defined actions. For example, a user can exchange messages or some data with other users, make purchases online, etc.

But the misunderstanding appears because of the multitask capability of mobile software products. For instance, a lot of mobile programs are based on web technologies; some mobile websites may contain web applications. Some mobile web apps are used rather to inform than to ensure several operations.

These mentioned facts show that manual testing or automated testing of different mobile products is not so diverse. But during functional testingor usability testing, it is necessary to keep in mind what type of mobile software product is under test.


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