Mobile Testing: Devices Choice

Mobile Testing: Devices Choice

The process of software testing requires rather profound preparing procedure and analysis of certain data scope. Different aspects should be reviewed in order for testing to be effective and efficient.

If talking about mobile testing, it is very important to select appropriate mobile devices and their versions for checking the system. Nowadays the number of available devices and OS types and versions is really huge.

Besides mobile app checking, the right choice of device is important also for web testing, as the majority of software products have its mobile version. There is a certain algorithm that helps a tester to select the device appropriate for the testing procedure.

How to Choose a Device for Mobile Testing?

  • To select strategy and approach for choosing a mobile device.
  • To define the devices popular and available on the market.
  • To specify what mobile devices cause problems most often.
  • To identify what types of network connection are supported by selected devices.
  • To create a classification tree that will be used during manual testing or automated testing to choose a suitable device.

Also, it is recommended to discuss with the development team and other project participants whether the selected strategy is suitable for checking the system specifics. It should meet the product specifications and requirements.

Moreover, the specifics of user’s localization should also be taken into account. Sometimes, the popularity of mobile device depends on the environmental factors.


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