The Fundamentals of Software Testing
Every activity has its own specific techniques, methods and principles that create its basis. And in order to perform some tasks effectively and efficiently, it is necessary to keep these fundaments. Software testing also possesses several key principles that should be kept by every tester.
In general, different testing types (system testing, integration testing or security testing) have some common aspects, especially, if to talk about the preparation stage.
What Is the Basis of Software Testing?
- The qualitative testing requires thorough preparation. The test team should review and analyze the project documentation, system capacities and client’s requirements. On the basis of all available information, the specialists determine the test strategy, select the tools for checking, distribute the tasks, etc.
- All required documentation should be created for every testing process. Test plan provides the detailed description of product checking. It includes the whole scope of work, deadlines, resources and other aspects of testing.
- Test cases should ensure the full test coverage. After executing the designed tests, the team compares the factual and expected results. The system should operate in accordance to the available requirements. The specialists run automated test scripts, unit tests, functional tests, etc.
- It is very important to select the proper test data before the creation of test cases that should include all information used by the system. It can be, for example, the database of product items, their price, ingredients, etc.
Both newcomers and experienced tester should remember and apply these fundamental principles.

TAGS: automated testing,
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