In software testing company, a big attention is paid to the safety of data used in the particular application or website. It does not matter what the application type it is – either a game or an application for a bank. The safety of the product is an essential issue. Such focused attention to the [...]
Continue readingDuring either mobile testing or web-site testing, usability is always taken into consideration. At the present day, users are more exacting and have a list of demands that need to be fulfilled. The user does not find the program helpful if there is something embarrassing him or her. For a successful project this fact [...]
Continue readingUnlike the white-box testing method, the black-box testing is verification in the absence of any knowledge of the software internal organization. The basis for its performing is the external monitoring of the product functionality. Thus, if a tester does not have any documentation or specifications on system and has no access to the internal code, [...]
Continue readingSmoke testing is a testing methodology oriented on detection primary errors and inconsistencies in software in the early stages of product development. Some developers underestimate this type of testing, but statistics show that it is quite profitable. If developers want plainly to affirm a concept of the software under design they certainly need the smoke [...]
Continue readingAt present software testing has evolved into a separate area in IT. It is interesting, creative and complex activity including many branches. Nowadays hardly any software construction can be managed without participation of a reputable software testing company. There are plenty of rules and recommendations on how to perform ecommerce testing, how to succeed in [...]
Continue readingThough information technology has been rapidly developing since 1990s, many people know little or nothing about software testing and career opportunities in this field. Young talented people can rather quickly move from a junior upward to senior test engineer. One can also become a project manager or team lead upon gaining some experience and knowledge. [...]
Continue readingBack-end and front-end are integral parts of any software product. Any web site testing, desktop testing and mobile testing must pay due attention to both of them. Back-end testing has much to do with API testing and front-end testing. It has some specificity as well. Any software testing company can say that there are fewer [...]
Continue readingAny software testing process includes several testing levels. A software testing company emphasizes that each level plays significant role and mustn’t be omitted or executed negligently. Usually a Testing Process Consists of Such Levels: unit testing; integration testing; system testing; acceptance testing. System testing is among the most wide-reaching levels. At this stage of web [...]
Continue readingMany software products, especially web sites, must handle simultaneous interaction with a lot of users, be able to process large quantity of data. Some software products have to process information for a limited time. If an application often hangs, crashes or goes into error mode in the middle of a process it will lose its [...]
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