How to Test Web Applications?

How to Test Web Applications?

Web software products are widely used, and they are very popular among users. They do not require much space on the client machine; they are accessible from any device connected to the Internet. And it is very easy to update the version of used application.

Web application testing is rather complicated process. The specialists from software testing company should take into account a lot of aspects and peculiarities of end user’s needs and the specifics of web products.

Web applications have several levels. The testers should check all these levels to provide an effective functioning of the developed applications.

What Are the Levels of Web Application?

  • Web browser
  • Server
  • Database server

Web products are usually created in Java, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Asp, JSP, etc. The user interface is displayed in web-browser, and the end users see only this part of application. All operations are performed on the server, and the data are saved on database server.

What Provides a High Quality of Web Applications?

  • Functional testing. The product which contains bugs and errors cannot become popular among end users.
  • User interface testing. The application should be easy-to-use.
  • Compatibility testing. The product will be more popular if it can be used in different browsers, with various software and hardware.
  • Load testing, performance testing and stress testing. These software checking types define the system capacity and its behavior during overloading.
  • Security testing. The data used in application should be protected from unauthorized penetrations.

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