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How Works Are Split in a Software Development Process Nowadays?

Modern software products are complex multilevel sophisticated systems. Several teams of experts in different fields from different countries can be involved in creation of a modern application. Times when everything could be done by a development team are already in the past. Experts Involved in a Project Can Be Generally Divided into 3 Groups: project [...]

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Why Performance Testing and Load Testing Mustn’t Be Ignored?

Many software products, especially web sites, must handle simultaneous interaction with a lot of users, be able to process large quantity of data. Some software products have to process information for a limited time. If an application often hangs, crashes or goes into error mode in the middle of a process it will lose its [...]

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How to Increase Effectiveness of Software Creation?

A lot of various experts are involved in creation of a modern software product. Each team has its own tasks, time and budget constraints. A professional software testing company always reminds its testers that, in spite of different tasks, they together with the developers, the project managers and other members of the project pursue the [...]

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3 Advices for Software Testers

It is not so easy to perform mobile testing, desktop testing or web site testing as it may seem from the first glance. Software testing is rather complex process requiring certain skills and knowledge. There are some advises that should be followed by novice and experienced software testers. Taking the advices helps to achieve better [...]

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How to Perform Effective Mobile Testing in Short Terms?

It is known that any web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing is a complex process involving various testing types and activities. Each type of software testing has its peculiarities. Mobile testing is often very time-constrained. Often testers must examine a mobile software product in generally for a very limited time, an hour, [...]

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What are Automated Testing Advantages?

Today automated testing is widely used. There are many reasons for that. Of course all the testing works cannot be automated, as some activities should be performed manually in course of web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing. But there are many activities that should be automated. Otherwise the project may become noncompetitive [...]

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International commercial disputes in outsourcing agreements

There are many good reasons why businesses are drawn to international outsourcing. It is a strategy which can help achieve greater efficiencies, reduce operating costs and enable businesses to refocus on their core activities and strengths. It can also provide the extra flexibility needed to respond to changing market trends, business models and developments in [...]

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Top Technology Trends in 2014

Gartner has highlighted the top technologies and trends that will make up the market next year. Gartner has also emphasized that the most important trend for all enterprises is to determine their strategic technology and to follow it over the next three years. So the most probable technological trends in 2014 will be: Mobile Device [...]

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Why is it Recommended to Perform Automated Testing?

Years ago, when software products where and devices were not so sophisticated developers did the whole works by themselves. They coded, tested and fixed the software product they worked on. Late with rapid evolving of software and hardware applications became large complex systems. Construction of some of them demands work of many experts and significant [...]

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An Interview with Professor Wil van der Aalst

Wil van der Aalst is a full professor of Information Systems at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e). He is also the Academic Supervisor of the International Laboratory of Process-Aware Information Systems of the National Research University, Higher School of Economics in Moscow. He also just happens to be the world’s most cited European computer scientist [...]

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