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Why are Bug Tracking Systems Needed for Mobile Testing, Desktop Testing and Web Site Testing?

An instrument for bug tracking and management is needed during performing of mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing. It may seem that one can write down the found software bugs in a note-pad, but it’s not all that simple. Modern software products are large, multi-level, sophisticated systems with complex and diverse functionality. [...]

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4 Aspects of Software Quality

It is difficult to evaluate something unmeasurable, for example, quality of a software product. Many various metrics, standards and rates have been elaborated for this purpose. One can receive a good vision of an application exploring different aspects of its quality. Usually the Next Elements of Application Quality are Considered: Correctness of the software product. [...]

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What are Peculiarities of Ad Hoc Testing?

Any web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing demands a lot of preparatory works and documentation. But there are situations when there are no possibility to rely on specification requirements, test cases and other documents. As a Rule, This is the Case: when there is no time on needed preparations, the software product [...]

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What Testing Types Does Usually System Testing Include?

Any software testing process includes several testing levels. A software testing company emphasizes that each level plays significant role and mustn’t be omitted or executed negligently. Usually a Testing Process Consists of Such Levels: unit testing; integration testing; system testing; acceptance testing. System testing is among the most wide-reaching levels. At this stage of web [...]

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How Software Testing Depends on the Development Team?

Qualitative and duly performance of mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing stands upon many factors. Not all of them depend upon the software testing company. As all the processes in software development are interconnected, many aspects of software constructing rely on software testing and vice versa. So, some significant things for web [...]

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What is a Workflow of a Testing Process?

Before entering upon web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing one should elaborate test plan and test procedures. In order to do it, it is necessary to make some preparations and gather needed information about the tested software product. The application producers should provide specification with requirements to the software under test and [...]

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What are Peculiarities of Unit Testing?

It is of common knowledge that mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing should be performed by a software testing company or by an internal testing team. Qualitative testing of a software product requires specific knowledge and skills. This task is not as easy as it may seem. Such activities certainly must not [...]

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Can Anyone Become a Software Tester?

Today informational technologies are rapidly developing. More and more people began to work in this field as now not only software developers are needed for creating applications. Among popular professions nowadays is a software tester. Software testers perform web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing and find defects in programs. Knowledge of programming [...]

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5 Causes Preventing Candidates From Getting Job in a Software Testing Company

Nowadays a lot of software products serving various purposes, performing different tasks are produced. It is known that an application cannot be released without mobile testing, desktop testing or web site testing. That is why a lot of software testing companies have been created and software testers became in-demand. Today many young people want to [...]

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Why Communication is Important in Software Testing?

People are relational beings. No one can live without communication. This becomes apparent in all aspects of our life. Creation of a software product is a complex project nowadays. A lot of teams of experts in various fields participate in it.  A project cannot be successfully accomplished if communication between its participants is not properly [...]

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